Resolve to Fight Imposter Syndrome

In February one of the podcast topics for our Young Professionals Network was “Resolve To Fight Imposter Syndrome. Oxford Dictionary defines Imposter Syndrome as, “The persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.” We know that we’re already in March but resolutions don’t only have to be set in January. So, this month and every month we encourage you to fight Imposter Syndrome whenever it tries to show up in your mind. Here is some advice provided by a few members of our YPN group on how they fight Imposter Syndrome.
“Imposter Syndrome leads to distrusting your own success. As a high achiever and performer, I have myself fallen prey to Imposter Syndrome.
Nicole Preston | Community Impact Newspaper:
Imposter Syndrome affects all people and largely affects high achieving women and unfortunately directs our view toward fixing women instead of fixing the environment in which women work. Internalizing and owning your success is a process and reframing your thoughts and asking yourself “Is this story I am telling myself hurting me or helping me” has helped me personally put feelings of being an “imposter” into perspective. Also, surrounding myself with mentors, like-minded professionals and fellow high achievers to bounce these fears off of has been a tremendous help. Even the most successful individuals experience doubt at times but it is important to not let those doubts control you.”
Cameron Cruise:
“Reminding myself that perfection doesn’t exist. Knowing that I can fail without it defining who I am helps me to fight Imposter Syndrome. I try to clear my mind and take a break to regroup whenever I start doubting myself.”
David Deveau | Deveau Financial:
“I fight Imposter Syndrome by acknowledging the way I feel when it starts to creep in on me and then reminding myself that I have worked really hard to get where I am. I also remind myself that I have the power within to decide what story I’m telling myself, and the one that I want to tell myself is the one where I am exactly where God wants me to be and there’s a reason I’m here. When you think like that, Imposter Syndrome has to go, because you’ve taken away its power over you.”